Evolutionary Astrology

“ A child is born on that day and that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual Karma. His horoscope is a challenging portrait, revealing his unalterable past and its probable future result.

But the natal chart can be rightly interpreted only by men of intuitive wisdom; these are few.”

Swami Sri Yukteswar


Astrology is the Language of the Soul

Birth Chart Reading :

I will look at your birth chart, the energy you are bringing into this life, and interpret the celestial map of your Soul’s intention. My intent is that you feel seen, with your gifts, strengths and purpose, and get directions to deal with your challenges.

Relationship Reading :

Relationship Astrology, putting two charts together, with Synatry and composite technique, looking at the Karma we bring in each others life,

seeing the challenges, strengths and potential future of a relationship.

It can be romantic relationships, but also anyone close to you, family member, friends…

Forecast Reading :

Looking at the timings in details, how the movement of the planets are affecting your own life, and see the opportunities available for success, the challenges arising and how to not fall into the trap of repeating the Karmic patterns, but choose the direction of growth.

To book a reading, please send me an email at this address : estellecalifornia@gmail.com


I have been studying with the Evolutionary Astrology school of Jeffrey Wolf Green, currently in the second cycle of the Evolutionary Astrology school of Steven Forrest, and finished my certification of Mystic Astrologer with Rising Woman, which is Hellenistic Astrology.