I grew up in a racist imprinting, the white supremacist mindset, France in general but very close to me also, so I had to hear and live all the deep racist statements and thoughts of people who think they are really not racist at all...

Since I was very young I knew somehow that these statements were wrong. Its hard to explain, but I knew if the world was divided in two parts as you see it as a kid, I was belonging to the kind ones who were the shamed ones, the Black ones, their energy was mine, and maybe it is from beyond this life too …

I had a passion for South Africa from the first time I went there, The energy of the people and the Land. I thought i could move there , but I could not root with these huge differences between black and white people still there…That’s why when I came here I knew it was my place, the energy I was searching subconsciously to blossom.

However when I received the Lyrics of “Black is the True Light “ I had no precise idea that it would be such a huge calling and tribute in my life, I had not made all the links by then at all… The therapist I was seeing at this time though had made a lot of them on her own, that is what she said :


Kids of light

Case des touts petits, school in Sandougou, Senegal

" The depth and intensity of the trauma you experienced as a child, to you, felt analogous to the historical trauma and historical racism and degradation that a whole class of people have felt since the trans-Alantic slave trade began. Having no family, no country, and no home feels very similar to your experience. Also, I have a sense that you can relate to the direct translation of the pain into a beautiful art form, that the depth of pain that African-American people feel can be expressed so beautifully and vehemently through their art form, be that dance, music, or song"

the lyrics of star are referring to the slaves that had no names but the one of their owners, “I know my name, nobody’s gonna make me forget, cause i know my name now… “ . Black people have a resilience beyond any other…. I think actually this is the thread in all my songs , The Light from resilience, The Star, this Black is the true light is a wide metaphor and a literal meaning.

I deeply believe that all of us in this world, today are carrying some kind of subconscious layers of racism on Black skin color, even black people themselves. It is in our culture for generations and it is very deep and sneaky, so even the people who think they have nothing against black people they still carry some layers somewhere, like “black people are fine but….or not as…. “ . Even black people themselves, after being mistreated and degredate for generations, it does stay somewhere as a victim that something must be wrong with you or you are not as worthy as…and it is a fact that being born black in this world is definitely being born with a handicap, with a journey that from the beginning is gonna be more challenging to say the less. And that is enough.

I believe the first step to clear these layers is to be aware of them, that denial is the worst always.

I am led by a desire to not fight against racism but to spread, shine and help to restore the Black glory .

It is a different approach and I think, it is my way and I have hope it is a very powerful way to change the collective subconscious. I believe that actually if the black people have been put down and degradate this way, it is because they are actually naturally more, and to not feel threatened the white man put them down. It is a common behavior in our world, when somebody is more or different or shining a bit too bright, then people get threatened and they act so they can feel more safe.

As a victim it is so important to hear that actually you have been put down because you had qualities and not because something was wrong with you, because after a while you do believe something must wrong with you. When I read my Black song to my Black Cowboy dear friend, he had tears in his eyes, saying "really you wrote this “ then I understood how much work we still have to do….This is what I am here for also, to give them back their beauty their light, first to my people, but to all the victims who need to have their truth and light back.

When i was working on my song “Black is the true light” in my home, my daughter who was 4 and her friends would pick up on the words and begin to sing Black is the true light and I realized the power of what I had in my hands and how it will be beautiful to have kids singing this song and imprint them with these words. That will wash away layers of subconscious racism...I believe that we do have so much to learn from black people all over the world and that their life force and resilience is huge, beyond others.

What amazed me in Africa is the beauty of the land and the beauty of the people and how white people in there are still in a colonialist way of living and thinking, same in all Europe and specially france actually.

We should go there to learn and not to teach, and the poorness is not always a condition of unhappiness as well as the non European way of thinking culture and civilization. Who are we to judge or decide for them what is good from bad.

European people want to do all at their image but they are blind to the truth, they see their culture and want to spread it all over . But many people in Africa with little are more Happy than white people in the world with so much...
I don’t think I am doing anything special or that I would compare to other, I do what I am born to do, the calling is very strong and impossible to denial, I receive this music and try to serve it the best I can. We all have something unique to give to shine.

I am still understanding some of the messages in my songs, I keep learning through them, and as an artist you don't own all the truth and destiny of your creations, they also have to fly away from you and be on their own journey.
I think one of the recurrent message in this music, is that the darkness we have to go through, is not a curse but a gift in a way that it makes us who we are, it is how we learn to be what we need to be , and the resilience to overcome, is such a powerful light . Like a Star, and the more darkness you come from the brighter your star will be.
I had the knowing one day in meditation, that i would do a foundation one day called the Black Glory, and that would help to support and shine the black glory all over the world.

I am not a politician, I am an artist with a story and a deep calling that nothing had succeeded to shut down, but I am not calling people to light up fires…I think my journey can make some people feel less alone in their own, and my music can help them to see the light coming their way too.

Also I think it’s important to stay humble, actually it is not about me at all, it is about serving , I deeply think I am here to serve in many ways. I have no will writing this music, I receive these songs like they are springing out of me, and then they teach me who am I to receive them and who I need to become to take them to the world.